
Twilight Splendour



The second Housewives full length studio album. London five-piece Housewives return for more anarchic genre-blending adventures on their second LP, Twilight Splendour; A synthesized collage written in Wetherspoons, cafes and anywhere away from their houseboats where they could find a permanent electrical supply. Exploring the possibilities of electronic sound, this new LP marks a turning point for the band - who sold their guitars to buy midi equipment and swapped London rents for water habitation. Bringing to mind the digital meditations of legendary producer Oneohtrix Point Never, Twilight Splendour presents a love letter from an early AI to its owner, its concept-led songs strewn with “ecstatic messages of frustration and a desire to connect”
The album occupies a dystopian world where real emotions have been eclipsed by complex coded simulations. From the dead-behind-the-eyes chanting on ‘Speak to Me’ to the heavily processed vocals on the sax-loaded ‘SmttnKttns’ – which dazzles with vocoder and pop shine – the band’s signature dark, psychedelic chaos and nihilism has been cast into an unnerving new technological light
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€ 29
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