
Train Spotter



In the seven years since the release of his debut solo album, ‘Lines’, Waclaw Zimpel has developed from his idiosyncratic approach to jazz to growing into a potent and inventive force in the field of electronic music. ‘Train Spotter’ was created for a specific brief from The City of Warsaw: to capture the Sound of the City of Warsaw. But, as Zimpel soon found out, the sounds of a city don’t exist in isolation; they’re part of a wider environment that is itself undergoing upheaval against a background of internal and external forces
“Train Spotter is about my experience of a city that recently went through a pandemic, endless anti-government demonstrations against human rights violations against women’s right to choose and the LGBTQ community, as well as waves of war refugees from Ukraine and the extraordinary solidarity of people willing to help and unite across political divides to help others in need.”
Spread over six tracks, the manipulated samples are blended with Zimpel’s own electronic production flourishes and playing to create a seamless blend that’s uniquely his. Recording a variety of mechanised and repetitive sounds including tramlines, baggage carousels and bouncing basketballs in municipal parks among many other found sources, Zimpel fed the results through a host electronic equipment including synthesisers, keyboards and plug-ins. For all its production methods, ‘Train Spotter’ bears an organic warmth that reflects the city that inspired it. But what also adds to the sonic intrigue is a rise in intensity within each of the individual tracks that themselves become ever more forceful as the album continues. The track 'Train Spotter' is a version of composition that Zimpel originally composed for the contemporary dance performance "Motions of Revolution" co-created with choreographer and dancer Maria Zimpel and playwright Sara Kaluzna
Sound file:
€ 26
Modal Dialog
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